Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Salman avestimehr phd thesis

Salman avestimehr phd thesis

salman avestimehr phd thesis

Alumnus Pai (Ph.D. '65) is an inventor of the organic photoreceptor device, responsible for low cost printers and copiers in use today. Read on to learn about Pai's contributions to this modern day convenience Sep 30,  · Salman Avestimehr: GFS PDF ( KB) R: Discussion: pm: Monday: 49 of Salman Avestimehr: CPA R: Credit on acceptance of thesis. IP (EE a) or letter grade (EE b). two units of credit for PhD students. Open only to Master’s and Doctoral Students. Restriction TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems, Air Platform. OBJECTIVE: Develop better and more robust automatic target classifiers capable of providing improved accuracy, identification, and classification of complex or subtle dynamics by leveraging advanced mathematical and machine learning tools

Home | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Science and Engineering

USC Schedule of Classes. edu D class assignments are only available on line at: myviterbi. Once you create your myViterbi profile, select the "D-Clearance Request Manager" to submit requests for EE courses. To be enrolled in an off-campus course, you MUST also be enrolled in the Distance Education Network DEN.

For more information, call or go to den. DEN courses are indicated by a location of DEN Viterbi. For general questions regarding EE courses, you may email studentinfo ece. edu EE Introduction to Electrical Engineering 4. Electrical engineering overview: communications, computers, circuits, components, signals, electromagnetics, microelectronics; data encoding and compression, USPS and UPC product codes, DVDs, semiconductor devices, and integrated circuits.

EE L: Introduction to Embedded Systems 4. Elementary analog, logic, and state-machine design. EE L: Applied Linear Algebra for Engineering 4. Introduction to linear algebra with engineering applications.

Weekly laboratory exercises using MATLAB. EE L: Introduction to Computer Programming for Electrical Engineers 4. Introduction to solving engineering problems using computational methods.

Survey of various programming languages and their strengths and weaknesses. EE L: Linear Circuits 4. Lumped circuit elements; network equations; zero-input and zerostate responses; sinusoidal steady-state analysis; impedance; resonance; network functions; power concepts; transformers; Laplace transforms.

EE L: Distributed Systems for the Internet of Things 4. Introduction to hardware, operating systems, salman avestimehr phd thesis, signal processing and control, network protocols, mobile applications, databases, cloud computing, machine learning and security for the Internet of Things.

EE Linear Systems 4. Representation and analysis of linear time-invariant systems primarily for the continuous time case. Convolution, Fourier series and transform, Laplace transform, controls and communications applications. EE Physical Electronics 4. Semiconductor device characteristics and applications. Physical models of electronic conduction in solids, salman avestimehr phd thesis, p-n junctions, bipolar and field effect transistors and other solid-state devices.

EE L: Electronic Circuits 4. Basic analog and digital circuit design using Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field Effect Transistors, and integrated circuits. EE L: Introduction to Digital Circuits 4. EE Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 4. Salman avestimehr phd thesis to concepts of randomness and uncertainty: probability, random variables, statistics.

Applications to digital communications, signal processing, automatic control, computer engineering and computer science. EE L: Electromagnetics for Engineering Systems 4. Optimization design methods for system applications. EE Introduction to Power Systems 4. Components of power systems; analysis techniques in electrical power generation transmission and utilization; and environmental and economic considerations in system operations and planning.

EE Power Systems Technology 4. Comprehensive assessment of the technical, environmental, and regulatory challenges that affect the future delivery and utilization of electric power. Case-study analysis. Crosslist Salman avestimehr phd thesis L: Introduction to Robotics 4. Designing, building and programming mobile robots; sensors, effectors, basic control theory, control architectures, some advanced salman avestimehr phd thesis, illustrations of state-of-the-art.

Teamwork; final project tested in a robot contest. Junior standing or higher. Prerequisites: CSCI EE Introduction to Computer Networks 4.

Network architectures; layered protocols, network service interface; local, wide area, wireless networks; Internet protocols; link protocols; addressing; routing; flow control; software defined network; multimedia networks.

EE Parallel and Distributed Computation 4. Introduction to parallel programming techniques, models and optimization strategies; Application mapping salman avestimehr phd thesis multi-core, accelerator, GPU and cloud platforms; High Performance Computing and Data Science salman avestimehr phd thesis. EE L: Introduction to System-on-Chip 4.

Prerequisite: EE Crosslist EE x: Introduction to Programming Systems Design 4. Intensive introduction to programming principles, salman avestimehr phd thesis, discrete mathematics for computing, software design and software engineering concepts. Not available for credit to computer sciencemajors, graduate or undergraduate. EE Computer Systems Organization 4. Register Transfer level machine organization; performance; arithmetic; pipelined processors; exceptions, out-of-order and speculative execution, cache, virtual memory, multi-core multi-threaded processors, cache coherence.

EE Electromagnetic Wave Engineering 4. Application of Maxwells equations to electromagnetic waves and electrical engineering devices. EE Applied Quantum Mechanics for Engineers 4.

Introductory quantum mechanics and applications. Schrodinger equation, atomic and molecular processes, time-dependent perturbation theory. Applications to lasers, solid-state demos and gaseous devices. EE L: MOS VLSI Circuit Design 4. Analysis and design of digital MOS VLSI circuits including area, delay and power minimization. Laboratory assignments including design, layout, extraction, simulation and automatic synthesis.

EE Linear Control Systems 4. Analysis of linear time-invariant LTI control systems; stability of LTI systems; frequency response, proportional-integral-differential PID and root-locus compensation techniques. EE Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 4. Fundamentals of digital signal processing covering: discrete time linear systems, quantization, sampling, Z-transforms, Fourier transforms, FFTs and filter design, salman avestimehr phd thesis. EE x: Directed Research 1.

Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. EE a: Undergraduate Thesis 2. For the undergraduate degree. Credit on acceptance of thesis. IP EE a or letter grade EE b, salman avestimehr phd thesis. EE Capstone Design 4. Capstone design project for the undergraduate degree. Project topics vary from semester to semester. EE Probability for Electrical and Computer Engineers 4.

Rigorous salman avestimehr phd thesis of probability, discrete and continuous random variables, functions of multiple random variables, covariance, correlation, random sequences, Markov chains, estimation, and introduction to statistics. Duplicates credit in former EE and EE EE Semiconductor Physics 4. Semiconductor bonds, crystallography, band structure assumptions, group theory, band structure results, k. method, quantum wells, wires and dots, superlattices, amorphous, organic semiconductors, defects, statistics, surfaces.

EE Micro- and Nano-Fabrication Technology 4. Physical basis of technologies for the fabrication of micro- and nano-scale devices. Thin-film deposition, etching, and material modification processes; pattern transfer methods. EE Nanophotonics and Metamaterials 4. Overview of electromagnetic theory and numerical design needed to understand and design photonic devices. Includes discussion of integrated photonic waveguides and resonant cavities, photonic crystals, plasmonics, and metamaterials.

EE Linear Algebra for Engineering 4. Introduction to linear algebra and matrix theory and their underlying concepts; applications to engineering problems; mathematically rigorous and foundational to other classes in communication, control, and signal processing. EE Stochastic Processes 3. Probability theory and stochastic processes, including renewal theory, Markov chains, Brownian motion, martingales, and stochastic calculus. Applications in communication networks, queuing theory and financial systems.

EE Quantum Error Correction 4. A comprehensive introduction to quantum error correction and decoherence control, from the basics to the cutting edge, enabling students to delve into current research topics. EE High-Voltage DC Transmission Systems 4.

FLOW Seminar #41: Salman Avestimehr (USC) Trustworthy and Scalable Federated Learning

, time: 1:10:09

Classes Offered · USC Schedule of Classes

salman avestimehr phd thesis

Alumnus Pai (Ph.D. '65) is an inventor of the organic photoreceptor device, responsible for low cost printers and copiers in use today. Read on to learn about Pai's contributions to this modern day convenience Sep 30,  · Salman Avestimehr: GFS PDF ( KB) R: Discussion: pm: Monday: 49 of Salman Avestimehr: CPA R: Credit on acceptance of thesis. IP (EE a) or letter grade (EE b). two units of credit for PhD students. Open only to Master’s and Doctoral Students. Restriction TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems, Air Platform. OBJECTIVE: Develop better and more robust automatic target classifiers capable of providing improved accuracy, identification, and classification of complex or subtle dynamics by leveraging advanced mathematical and machine learning tools

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