Book Reports offers general guidance, book analysis and brief summary for more than books of classic literature. If you look for a quick and effective help with organizing, reading, understanding and writing book reports, look no blogger.com report on this website is focused on short summary, characters analysis and author’s biography The Monkey’s Paw “Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it.” with a serious face, spoiled only by a quick smile to his mother, sat down at the piano and struck a few grand chords. “I wish for two hundred pounds,” said the old man clearly. A fine crash from the piano greeted his words, broken by a frightened cry from the Mar 20, · The Monkey Paw - Creative Writing. The family wished for pounds. However, nothing happened till Herbert got caught by a machine in the workplace and died. pounds was given by a man who seemed ill at ease for compensation. Herbert’s death was devastating for the family as he is the only child and breadwinner
Stories For Kids | Online long and short Stories for kids
The Encyclopedia Salesmanappears in Where I Live The encyclopedia salesman is passing through Barnstable when he decides to stop at the oldest library building in America. He is disgusted to find that their reference section is completely out of date.
The salesman is an outsider in Barnstable and seems repeatedly confused by the "backwards" ways of the town. The Yacht Club is really a shack and there is no quick and short book reports the monkey sisters good to eat in town. To the salesman, Barnstable just seems boring and run down.
He eventually gives up and retreats to the comfort of Hyannis. Playing miniature golf at Playland brings him comfort. The salesman is representative of a fast-moving passerby, who cannot understand the slower ways of the tiny village.
The librarian is an easily-alarmed woman, who tries to help the salesman. She offers him the names and addresses of the library trustees and suggests he try the Barnstable Yacht Club to find them, quick and short book reports the monkey sisters. She is a quintessential Barnstable resident, unaware of how much her town is living in the past. Father Nicholson is the tender of the Church garden and a Barnstable resident. He seems like a moral center in the town.
Though only mentioned twice, his words close the story. His description of the Barnstable residents "We're Druids. His church garden is also highly praised.
He seems like the narrator's ideal sort of Barnstable inhabitant. George is Harrison's father. He has an above-average intelligence, so he is required to always wear his mental handicap radio, which periodically blasts loud sounds in his ear so he won't think too much or too hard.
He also has a heavy bag tied around his neck, to keep him from being above average physically. These two handicaps keep George tired and distracted, unable to remember much or to keep up a real conversation with his wife, Hazel. George does not try to break the law.
He tells Hazel that if one person breaks the law, then everyone will, and society will fall back to endless competition. During the story, George sits with Hazel watching television, quick and short book reports the monkey sisters. When the picture of Harrison appears on the screen, George recognizes his son, but his thoughts are interrupted by a blast from his mental handicap radio, and he forgets.
Though George and Hazel watch as Harrison bursts into the broadcast and dances with the ballerina, it is unclear whether George sees his son shot and killed by Quick and short book reports the monkey sisters Moon Glampers, or whether he misses it when he goes to the kitchen for a beer. If he does see it, it is blasted from his consciousness by another loud sound in his ear.
Hazel is Harrison's mother. She is average mentally, so does not wear a handicap because she can't think long quick and short book reports the monkey sisters hard, anyway. She worries about George and the strain his mental and physical handicaps put on him. She can't tell what the sounds are that burst into his brain, so she has to ask him about them when he winces or falls over.
Hazel is interested in Diana Moon Glampers, and thinks she, Hazel, could be just as good a Handicapper General. She would like George to be able to take off his physical handicap when he is at home, since he wouldn't be competing with anyone there. She also would like to have only chimes play in the mental handicap radios every Sunday. George tells her this wouldn't work because chimes are too gentle to interrupt anyone's thoughts. Hazel has tears on her cheeks at the beginning of quick and short book reports the monkey sisters story but doesn't know what they're from.
She doesn't comment on the television show with Harrison and the ballerina until the end of the story, when George returns from the kitchen to find her crying about something she saw on television. All she can remember is that it was sad, quick and short book reports the monkey sisters.
Harrison is the fourteen-year-old son of George and Hazel Bergeron. He is seven feet tall, extremely intelligent, good-looking,and athletic, so he has to wear very extreme handicaps: pounds of extra weight, headphones to impair his hearing and thinking, glasses to impair his eyesight, and a red ball on his nose and black caps on his teeth to hide his good looks.
He is accused of plotting to overthrow the government and taken away by the H-G men in April, He escapes from jail and bursts into the television studio where the ballerinas are dancing.
He declares himself the Emperor and selects the first ballerina who stands—the main ballerina, with the most handicaps—to be his Empress. He takes off her handicaps, and the handicaps of the musicians. He orders the musicians to play their best for the first time.
He and the ballerina dance ecstatically until Diana Moon Glampers arrives and shoots them both to death. Diana Moon Glampers is in charge of all handicapping in thissociety.
It is mentioned briefly that she bears a physical resemblance to Hazel Bergeron. Diana's job is to make sure everyone in the world is equal, with no one having a mental or physical advantage over anyone else. She sets all of the loud sounds that blast into mental handicap radios and controls the timing. Her agents, the H-G men, quick and short book reports the monkey sisters, enforce the laws by arresting and fining anyone who strays from the handicap rules.
It is the H-G men who take Harrison Bergeron away to jail, and it is Diana Moon Glampers who enters the television station at the end of the story and kills Harrison and his Empress Ballerina with a double-barreled, ten-gauge shotgun.
She then forces the musicians to put their handicaps back on, thus restoring order. The future Empress, at first just a dancer on the television show George and Hazel are watching, takes over for the news announcer when his speech impediment keeps him from completing his special news bulletin about Harrison. She wears very big physical handicap bags and a particularly ugly mask.
When she reads the announcement, she disguises her voice to hide its beauty. When Harrison calls for an Empress, she is the first ballerina to stand and face him.
When he takes off her handicaps and masks, her beauty is revealed, and she dances with him until she is shot by Diana Moon Glampers. The news announcer has a bad speech impediment, which prevents him from reading the bulletin about Harrison Bergeron. All news announcers have an impediment like this. The ballerinas are dancing on the television show George and Hazel are watching. They have various levels of handicaps, mental and physical. They cannot dance properly because of the handicaps weighing them down.
When Harrison crashes into the studio, they recognize him and cower in fear. The musicians are playing in the studio for the ballerinas. They are also restrained by handicaps, until Harrison takes them off for them and quick and short book reports the monkey sisters that they play their best music.
Doris Sawyer is the seventy-four-year-old woman who usually directs the shows for the North Crawford Mask and Wig Club, the community theatre in the story. Doris decides not to quick and short book reports the monkey sisters this time, however, because she has to take care of her mother and also believes that the theatre should bring in some new directors. She also tries to coach Helene Shaw for her Stella audition but isn't able to get anything out of Helene, even when she asks whether Helene has quick and short book reports the monkey sisters been in love.
Harry Nash is a clerk at the hardware store in town. He is an orphan who has lived in the town all his life. He does not know who his parents are, quick and short book reports the monkey sisters. In real life, Harry is shy and quiet and keeps to himself—he doesn't even go to the meetings of the community theatre. When he is on stage, though, he disappears into the character he is playing, and the whole town loves him. He has the lead role in every play. Whenever he is asked to be in a play, Harry responds with, "Who am I this time?
Harry comes to the auditions for A Streetcar Named Desire, even though everyone already knows he will get the part of Stanley. He changes out of his coat and tie and wears a torn shirt. The narrator describes a complete transformation from Harry's small, meek frame to a frightening brute. Immediately after the scene ends, though, Harry puts his coat and tie back on and returns to his normal personality.
He is very humble and shy and not sure whether he did well or not. As the narrator puts it, Helene becomes Stella just like Harry becomes Stanley. Rehearsals continue this way, with Harry arriving to rehearsal and leaving at the end of the night in character, as Stanley, violent and rude.
Meanwhile, Helene has fallen in love with Harry's stage persona. When the show opens, Helene tries to give Harry a rose after their bow, but he has already left the stage and gone home.
He turns back into the shy clerk and goes home alone. Harry shies away from Helene's advances until she figures out the secret: she gets him a copy of Romeo and Juliet as a closing night present.
As they read the balcony scene together, Harry turns into Romeo and leaves gaily with Helene. They are married a week later and continue to read plays together from then on. Helene is a beautiful young woman, who has been in North Crawford for eight weeks. She works for the telephone company, traveling to towns to train workers on the new machines the company is using. The narrator meets Helene and asks her to come audition for A Streetcar Named Desire.
The narrator is hoping Helene will be good for Stella, the young woman in the play. However, Helene's audition is not good, even when Doris coaches her. She is unable to access any feelings. Helene expresses how upset she is about this when she comes back later to read with Harry. She has never been in love and doesn't know what's wrong with her.
When Harry comes in, though, he is already in character as Stanley, and his effect on Helene is extreme. According to the narrator, she becomes Stella, as Harry provokes something new in her.
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, time: 4:27The Monkey Sisters: First Lessons in Cutting and Coloring: blogger.com: Books
The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs ActivityActivity 1)11))1) TheTThheeThe Monkey’s Paw Lesson Plan 2) 22)) 2) TheTThheeThe Monkey’s PawMonkey’s Paw PrePPrreePre 3) 33)) 3) TheTThheeThe Monkey’s PawMonkey’s Paw Post 4) Answer Sheet4) Answer Sheet 5) 55)) 5) Genie is a LampGenie is a LampGenie is a Lamp Graphic Organizer The Monkey’s Paw “Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it.” with a serious face, spoiled only by a quick smile to his mother, sat down at the piano and struck a few grand chords. “I wish for two hundred pounds,” said the old man clearly. A fine crash from the piano greeted his words, broken by a frightened cry from the The Monkey Sisters: First Lessons in Cutting and Coloring. Unknown Binding – January 1, Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required
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