Jun 10, · Forum Member. 06/10/06 - in General Discussion. #1. We are supposed to start writing an oral presentation for our GCSE English course. The teacher said this piece of work is worth 7% of the English GCSE but I can't think of an interesting topic that everyone will enjoy. Does anyone know what I can do it on? GCSE and A-Level English Coursework; GCSE and A-level coursework usually take place in the form of an extended essay or project. You can also be asked to conduct independent research on English language or literature topics. Get English coursework help from us for a guaranteed A+ without having to lose sleep. What are you waiting for? the GCSE English specifications we’ve produced to date. Teachers can choose their own route through the course and, where coursework is chosen, students can choose their own areas of study. preparation and delivery of oral presentations the requirement to connect texts
GCSE English Oral — Digital Spy
NEA Update: For the latest information on NEA assessments in — click here. This briefing outlines the adaptations and key dates surrounding the summer exam series for WJEC GCSE English Language. GCSE English Language will focus primarily on the functional aspects of language. OER is a free interactive teaching and learning tool which includes exam answers and examiner comments. We offer an extensive range of free digital educational resources.
Grade boundaries are the minimum number of marks needed to achieve each grade. View Resources. Access a collection of interactive units that bring together a number of elements including general data, exam questions, their marking schemes and examiner comments, which will lead you through a review of exam questions.
Visit OER Website. Materials from previous courses can be found on the Secure website. If you need further information or support, please contact our Professional Learning Team via cpd wjec. Webinar: Teaching the novel and unseen prose. Webinar: Teaching grammar. Webinar: Cognitive acceleration. Please contact your IT Technician if you do not have the rights for your PC to install software.
GCSE English Language. Teaching: Sep Reference Codes Codes info GCSE English Language ×. GCSE English Language Gcse english oral coursework. Latest Examiners' Report. Have you seen WJEC awarded contract to develop new Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales 14 Sep Read The Joint Council for Qualifications JCQ welcomes Ian Morgan as the Teachers, Exams Officers, senior leaders - centre visits for moderation Related Qualifications.
Discover FREE Digital Resources! Our Assessment Resources are sets of questions based on specific themes, topics or skills within the qualification.
They are optional resources their use is not mandatory which have been created to assist teachers in assessing learners in summer We recommend that you use the Mapping Grid provided initially to help you find appropriate Assessment Resources.
Our Mapping Grid has been designed for you to view, at gcse english oral coursework glance, the content and assessment objectives covered in each Assessment Resource, and then download the relevant Assessment Resource. More info pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"2. pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"3, gcse english oral coursework. pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"4.
pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"4A. pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"5. pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"5A.
pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"6. pdf","Year":0,"Language":null,"DisplayTab":"training materials"},{"Id","Name":"1. TeachMeet - Reading Gcse english oral coursework Introducing Strategies through Early Modern English - Student Resource GCSE English Language - Qualification Overview GCSE English Language - how to mark like an examiner Developing English Language Webinar: Teaching the novel and unseen prose Webinar: Teaching grammar Webinar: Cognitive acceleration To view a webinar you will need: An up to date browser, such as Internet Explorer 8 or later Adobe Connect and an Adobe plug-in installed Use this link to download the software needed Please contact your IT Technician if you do not have the rights for your PC to install software If you need further information or support, please contact our Professional Learning Team via cpd wjec.
Have a question about GCSE English Language? I'm Guy Melhuish, gcse english oral coursework. Our subject team is happy to help you with all your queries related to the teaching and learning of our specifications. Our Subject Officers are all former teachers and are here to support you with delivering our qualifications. Get in touch with us via e-mail or telephone. Our Subject Support Officers are on hand to answer any of your queries. Our professional learning experts are ready to answer questions on all our training courses.
Get in touch. Get the latest subject updates. We use cookies to improve user experience, and analyze website traffic. For these reasons, we may share your site usage data with our analytics partners, gcse english oral coursework.
Please read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for full details. Accept Cookies. Recording date: 4 th September WJEC GCSE English Language Gcse english oral coursework Book.
WJEC GCSE English Language Teacher's Book. My Revision Notes: WJEC GCSE English Language. WJEC GCSE English Language Student eTextbook. WJEC GCSE English Language Whiteboard eTextbook. WJEC GCSE English Dynamic Learning Package.
WJEC GCSE English Language Workbook.
How to Get a DISTINCTION In Your GCSE English Language Speech
, time: 7:10Edexcel IGCSE English Literature Coursework – English Teaching Resources
Oct 30, · 50% of GCSE. Questions. Reading (40 marks) (25%) – one single text. 1 short form question (1 x 4 marks) 2 longer form questions (2 x 8 marks) 1 extended question (1 x 20 marks) Writing (40 marks) (25%) 1 extended writing question (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy) Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives Jun 10, · Forum Member. 06/10/06 - in General Discussion. #1. We are supposed to start writing an oral presentation for our GCSE English course. The teacher said this piece of work is worth 7% of the English GCSE but I can't think of an interesting topic that everyone will enjoy. Does anyone know what I can do it on? GCSE English Language will focus primarily on the functional aspects of language. The term ‘functional’ here should be considered in the broad sense of providing learners with the skills and abilities they need to take active and responsible roles in their communities, everyday life, the workplace and in educational settings
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