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For Prelims: Legal entity- meaning, implications and previous examples, Sukhna Lake. It also declared all citizens of Chandigarh as loco parentis in the place of a parent to save the lake from extinction. The order was passed in a suo motu petition initiated amid depleting water level in the lake. It is the duty of the States of Punjab and Haryana to restore the catchment area.
The State government has also failed to take precautionary measures to save the catchment area. The damage caused essay on sukhna lake the catchment area is enormous.
A legal entity means entity which acts like a natural person but only through a designated person, whose acts are processed within the ambit of essay on sukhna lake. The man-made Sukhna Lake was built in by Le Corbusier, the architect of Chandigarh.
Located in the foothills of the Shivalik Hills, it was designed to collect runoff water from the Hills. The Lake, which is in the process of being officially notified as a wetland, also has a nearby wildlife sanctuary that is home to sambar, pangolin, wild boars, red jungle fowl, cobras and other species. In Uttarakhand high court, justice Sharma was part of a bench inwhich declared the Ganga and Yamuna as living entities, a verdict that was later stayed by the Supreme Court.
In Junethe Punjab and Haryana High Court had ruled that all animals, birds and aquatic life in Haryana would be essay on sukhna lake the status of legal persons or entities. Sources: the Hindu. Sukhna Lake is a living entity What to study? For Mains: Significance of this move and need for such protection.
Background : The order was passed in a suo motu petition initiated amid depleting water level in the lake. What the order says? Sukhna Lake will now be a legal entity for its survival, preservation and conservation. The Chandigarh administration has been directed to declare it a wetland within a period of three months. Chandigarh should ensure that the average capacity of the lake is increased by at least about hectare by one-time large scale desilting.
Punjab, essay on sukhna lake, Haryana and Chandigarh have also been told to lower the storage capacity of the check dams to ensure regular flow of water into the lake. Chandigarh will have to ensure that there is no seepage losses.
The aquatic weeds are ordered to be removed within a period of six months. About Sukhna lake: The man-made Sukhna Lake was built in by Le Corbusier, the architect of Chandigarh. Insta Link: Prelims Link: Location of Sukhna lake. Geographical location of such water bodies, essay on sukhna lake. Constitutional provisions in this regard.
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