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The Holy Spirit Study Guide 11 Core Truths To Build Your Life On Foundations|Kay Warren3
Deposit your masters paper, project or other capstone work. Theses will be sent to the CDR automatically via ProQuest and do not need to be deposited. Deposit a peer-reviewed article or book chapter, dissertation holy spirit. Deposit a complete issue of a scholarly journal, newsletter or book. Deposit scholarly works such as posters, presentations, conference papers or white papers. Skip to Content. Toggle navigation Carolina Digital Repository.
Help Contact Us Login. Browse Everything Collections Departments Deposit Go. Hope and the Holy Spirit: The Global Pentecostal Movement in Brazil and Nigeria, Public Deposited. You do not have access to any existing collections. You may create a new collection. Downloadable Content Download PDF. Citation Request Accessible Version. MLA Premack, Laura. Hope and the Holy Spirit: The Global Pentecostal Movement In Brazil and Nigeria, dissertation holy spirit, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, APA Premack, L.
Hope and the Holy Spirit: The Global Pentecostal Movement in Brazil and Nigeria, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chicago Premack, Laura.
Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. Dissertation holy spirit Modified March 21, Creator Premack, Laura Affiliation: College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History Abstract This dissertation holy spirit argues that Pentecostal Christianity is a fundamentally global religion. By examining Pentecostalism in Brazil and Nigeria - two of the most Pentecostal countries in the world - it de-centers the United States and shows how Pentecostalism's development in the U.
and elsewhere has been contemporaneous. By demonstrating the multiplicity of narratives which comprise Pentecostal history, this dissertation intervenes not only into the field of religious history but also into global studies, arguing that dissertation holy spirit movements are best understood by investigating the specific, historically-produced networks that constitute them.
What is most fruitful in looking at expressions of a global movement is not considering which aspects came from within and which from without, but rather investigating the modes, degrees, and directions of interaction. The first two chapters revise the conventional narratives of Pentecostalism's beginnings in Brazil and Nigeria, using missionary records, colonial correspondence, and other historical dissertation holy spirit to show how it originally emerged as a complicated mix of imported and homegrown elements.
The third chapter examines the middle years of Pentecostalism's development in both countries, looking at Brazilian conversion narratives and Nigerian maternity centers in order to examine what people hoped Pentecostalism would do for them personally. Chapters Four and Five explore the national political context of Pentecostalism's development in Nigeria and Brazil over the course of the twentieth century.
The final chapter investigates the contemporary intersection of Pentecostal, national, and global identities. Ultimately, by looking at Brazilian Pentecostalism, Nigerian Pentecostalism, and Pentecostalism as a global movement within Brazil and Nigeria, this dissertation offers a model of how one can do global history in a way that both includes dissertation holy spirit looks beyond the nation-state, dissertation holy spirit.
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