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Dissertation 3eme 4eme republique

Dissertation 3eme 4eme republique

dissertation 3eme 4eme republique

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EMBL Press Office Meyerhofstraße 1, Heidelberg, Germany. Drug accumulation may reduce drug effectiveness and alter the gut microbiome. Common medications can accumulate in gut bacteria, a new study has found, altering bacterial function and potentially reducing the effectiveness of the drug.

These interactions — seen for a variety of medications, such as depression, diabetes, and asthma drugs — could help researchers to better understand individual differences in drug effectiveness and side-effects, according to the study published in Nature. It is known that bacteria can chemically modify some drugs, a process known as biotransformation. This study, dissertation 3eme 4eme republique, led by researchers from the Medical Research Council MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Cambridge and dissertation 3eme 4eme republique European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany, is the first to show that certain species of gut bacteria accumulate human drugs, altering the types of bacteria and their activity.

This could change the effectiveness of the drug both directly, as the accumulation could reduce the availability of the drug to the body, and indirectly, as altered bacterial function and composition could be linked to side-effects.

The human gut naturally contains communities of hundreds of different species of bacteria, which are important in health and disease, called the gut microbiome. The composition of bacterial species varies significantly between people and has previously been shown to be associated with a wide range of conditions including obesity, immune response, and mental health. In this study, the researchers grew 25 common gut bacteria and studied how they interacted with 15 drugs that are taken orally.

The drugs were chosen to represent a range of different types of common drugs, including antidepressant medications, which are known to affect individuals dissimilarly and cause side effects such as gut problems and weight gain. The researchers tested how each of the 15 drugs interacted with the selected bacterial strains — a total of bacteria—drug tests. They found 70 interactions between the bacteria and the drugs studied — of which 29 had not been previously reported. While earlier research has shown bacteria can chemically modify drugs, when the scientists studied these interactions further, they found that for 17 of the 29 new interactions, the drug accumulated within the bacteria without being modified.

Examples of drugs that accumulated in bacteria include antidepressant duloxetine and anti-diabetic rosiglitazone. For some drugs, such as montelukast an asthma drug and roflumilast for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseboth changes happened in different dissertation 3eme 4eme republique — they were accumulated by some species of bacteria and modified by others.

The scientists also found that the bioaccumulation of drugs alters the metabolism of the accumulating bacteria. For example, the antidepressant drug duloxetine bound to several metabolic enzymes within the bacteria and altered their secreted metabolites. The researchers grew a small community of several bacterial species together and found the antidepressant duloxetine dramatically altered the balance of bacterial species.

The drug altered the molecules produced by the drug-accumulating bacteria, which other bacteria feed on, so the consuming bacteria grew much more and unbalanced the community composition. The researchers tested the effects further using C. elegansa nematode worm commonly used to study gut bacteria. They studied duloxetine, which had been shown to accumulate in certain bacteria but not others.

In worms grown with the species of bacteria that had been shown to accumulate the drug, the behaviour of the worms was altered after being exposed to duloxetine, compared with worms that were grown with bacteria that did not accumulate duloxetine. The study had been started as a collaborative project at EMBL Heidelberg and was dissertation 3eme 4eme republique in the group of Kiran Patil after his move to Cambridge, dissertation 3eme 4eme republique.

If we can characterise how people respond depending on the composition of their microbiome, then drug treatments could be individualised. The researchers dissertation 3eme 4eme republique that the study findings are only on bacteria grown in the lab and more research is needed to understand how bioaccumulation of medications by gut bacteria manifests inside the human body. The study was funded by the European Commission HorizonMRC and EMBL, dissertation 3eme 4eme republique.

This article is a joint press release with the MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Cambridge, UK. Nature 8 September Tags: bacteriabeckborkcollaborationcore facilitydrugdissertation 3eme 4eme republique, drug metabolismgenomicsgutheidelberghennighuman microbiomemetabolomicsmicrobial ecosystemsmicrobiomepatilproteomicssavitskischultzservicetypaszimmermann.

Looking for past print editions of EMBLetc. Browse our archive, going back 20 years. Press contact EMBL Press Office Meyerhofstraße 1, Heidelberg, Germany media embl. Common medications accumulate in gut bacteria Drug accumulation may reduce drug effectiveness and alter the gut microbiome Commonly used drugs accumulate in human gut bacteria, which can affect the drugs' effectiveness and change the bacteria's metabolism. Credit: Aleksandra Krolik Common medications can accumulate in dissertation 3eme 4eme republique bacteria, a new study has found, altering bacterial function and potentially reducing the effectiveness of the drug.

Source article s Bioaccumulation of therapeutic drugs by human gut bacteria Klünemann M. Share this twitter facebook linkedin. Read the latest Issues of our magazine - EMBLetc.

Issue 97, Summer — Synapse microbial teamwork — Nucleus Living laboratories — Cultures The European Climate Pact. Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter Email Subscribe, dissertation 3eme 4eme republique. Newsletter archive Read past editions of our monthly e-newsletter. For press Contact the Press Office. Follow us twitter facebook instagram youtube linkedin.

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dissertation 3eme 4eme republique

Revue ErgOThérapies de l'association nationale française des ergothérapeutes. Bienvenue sur la version numérique de la revue ergOThérapies! Pour accéder aux contenus des articles de la revue, merci de vous identifier Ici Votre adresse de messagerie est uniquement utilisée pour vous envoyer notre lettre d’information ainsi que des informations concernant les activités de La Fabrique Citoyenne Sep 08,  · Common medications accumulate in gut bacteria. Drug accumulation may reduce drug effectiveness and alter the gut microbiome. Commonly used drugs accumulate in human gut bacteria, which can affect the drugs' effectiveness and change the bacteria's metabolism

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