Archival research methods include a broad range of activities applied to facilitate the investigation of documents and textual materials produced by and about blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Find new research papers in: Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Health Sciences; Ecology; Earth Sciences; Cognitive Science; Mathematics; Computer Science This entirely banal archival work (scanning delicate sheets of paper; cataloging manuscripts edited by hand and smeared with ink spots or coffee stains; the various phantom drafts of Przyboś’s work; stylistic notes or spontaneous ideas quickly jotted down on the back of a business card or postcard) prompts the not-at-all banal question of the current scope and past potential for archiving experience in all its
Archival Studies Research Papers -
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Archival Research 1, archival research paper example, Followers. Papers People. Save to Library. Una mostra sulla Strada dello Stelvio realizzata da studenti, in «Le Vie del Bene», XCIIn.
Moving pictures across colonial boundaries: the multiple nationalities of the American Biograph in Southeast Asia. This article assesses the transnational exhibition, archival research paper example, distribution, and marketing of films in Southeast Asia, primarily the Netherlands Indies and British Malaya, around the turn of the last century, by using the American Biograph as a case This article assesses the transnational exhibition, distribution, and marketing of films in Southeast Asia, primarily the Netherlands Indies and British Malaya, around the turn of the last century, by using the American Biograph as a case study.
This article is divided into archival research paper example sections, each devoted to an itinerant American Biograph company we have chosen to highlight: their Indian subsidiary, and their subsidiary from the Netherlands, the Java Biorama. By considering their film programming choices and ticket price categories, we map and discuss how early film pioneers, with their cinematographic devices and films, moved between colonial borders, as well as how they were received by their audiences and the local press in Southeast Asia.
Their exhibitions created spaces where people from different ethnic backgrounds within the colonial societies could come together as film spectators, archival research paper example, yet were segregated within that cinematic space through price levels and racial politics. Archival research paper example, the article reflects on the impact of the American Biograph companies on the film exhibition circuit in Southeast Asia, signalling that moving pictures were to become a permanent fixture on the popular entertainment scene.
Teaching Archival Research Methods through Projects in Ethnohistory, archival research paper example. Veronica Denison. Alexandra Taitt. La costruzione di una identità. Pavia, Collegio Ghislieri, Aula Goldoniana, 7 ottobreore L'evento si terrà in presenza su prenotazione attraverso la piattaforma Eventbrite il link sarà reso disponibile sul sito www.
it e in streaming sul canale it e in streaming sul canale YouTube del Collegio. All'ingresso, sarà necessario presentare un Green Pass valido. Gianpaolo Angelini. Alessandra Casati. Fulvio Cervini. Enrico Parlato. Почему именно архив? О концепции и истории архивного собрания Музея «Гараж». Важность документации в новых художественных и музейных практиках, слияние архивной и музейной деятельности, «взаимопроникновение» архива и современного искусства активно обсуждаются исследователями последние двадцать пять лет.
На русском На русском языке практически нет посвященных российским кейсам archival research paper example и анализа международного опыта в этой сфере. Автор ставит своей целью кратко описать мотивы создания, историю и структуру архивной коллекции Музея «Гараж», archival research paper example, а также поместить ее в контекст мировых практик формирования схожих собраний и актуальных форм работы по сохранению истории современного искусства в музеях.
Наблюдения автора основаны на личном опыте создания и хранения архива в научном отделе музея, а также на изучении практик других культурных институций в рамках этой деятельности, и являются попыткой саморефлексии. View Comments. Syllabus for "Archives and Performance". This course, offered in the Doctoral Program in Communication Studies at Kadir Has University, examines the "archival turn" and "performative turn" in the humanities and social sciences, and their multifarious intersections.
The course is The course is structured around a set of core modules, each concentrating on a specific theme concerning archives and performance and introducing students to diverse perspectives on the subject. Book Microbiomes. This chapter posits the value of learning to read and interpret non-textual and even non human markings--what we might call eco-annotations--on the pages of the aging books we investigate.
Manuscript annotations in a book can reveal Manuscript annotations in a book can reveal patterns of readerly use and interaction; similarly, biomatter on the pages of our books archival research paper example us to see unexpected pat terns and gain new insights into book production, transmission, storage, and deteriora tion. My case-study here is foxing, the rust-colored blotches that stain the pages of books. After considering the ways book lovers, librarians, and scientists have attempted to make sense of foxing, I suggest a few approaches one might use to read and revalue biomatter in books as biodata: legible, living records that can reveal new insights about the history of books and about the ecosystems in which they are made, archival research paper example, preserved, and eventually cease to be.
Sabores que cruzaron los océanos. Catálogo de archival research paper example exposición del mismo título, de la que fui su comisario. Este catálogo es un estudio completo sobre los vínculos entre la gastronomía española y filipina, su historia y el valor del patrimonio documental para transmitirlo. Eksamen våren i KULMI Exam at NTNU KULMI Lokalhistorie med arkivkunnskap. This exam is written in Norwegian. Archival research paper example is the exam assignment also in Norwegian for this paper.
Oppgave Del 1: Drøftingsoppgave. Drøft likheter og forskjeller mellom Drøft likheter og forskjeller mellom lokalhistorie og mikrohistorie og konkretiser med eksempler fra litteraturen. Del 2: Kildeidentifikasjon. Vedlagt vil du finne et bygdebokutdrag, s. Gå gjennom teksten fra øverst på s. Sett opp ei liste over kilder du klarer å identifisere og hvilken informasjon som er knyttet til dem, i samme rekkefølge som du finner informasjonen i teksten, etter følgende eksempel, hentet fra siste avsnitt på s.
Del 3: Arkivsøk. Rundt fikk Gustav Adolf Myrås tilbud om arbeid på Løkken Verk, og han og kona Archival research paper example Jonette flyttet dit med familien og slo seg ned der. Søk først opp familien i folketellinga Søk deretter opp dåpen til minst to av familiemedlemmene, gjerne også giftermålet til Gustav Adolf og Barbro Jonette hvis du har tid. Noter hvilke kilder du har søkt i, måten du har søkt på og hvilket resultat du har fått. Noter om du ser opplysninger som ikke stemmer helt overens mellom ulike kilder, f, archival research paper example.
ulik skrivemåte på navn. Noter også ev. søk som har gitt negativt resultat. Altså søk opp og noter: Familien i folketellinga med navn, fødselsdato og fødested på alle familiemedlemmer foreldre og barn Dåp til to eller flere familiemedlemmer Giftermålet til paret NB!
Det skal svares på alle tre oppgavene! Du må ha bestått alle deler for at oppgaven kan regnes som bestått i sin helhet. Archiving in the Face of Erasure: the Idea of the "Post-German" Archive. The article introduces the notion of the "post-German" archive as an idea for further research on the erased cultures of Central Europe. The author questions the archival research paper example and top-down structure of the institutionalized archive The author questions the hierarchical and top-down structure of archival research paper example institutionalized archive.
Instead, she proposes to understand the "post-German" archive as an inclusive conception. It would incorporate various narratives, languages, and perspectives.
In this way, the canonization of given motives can be avoided. The author pays special attention to the responsibility of the researcher. She illustrates the theoretical framework with examples from Polish and Czech archival practices. Introduction to the Historical Data Digital Toolkit.
Presentation 1. Outline my academic journey so far. Show you what a social network topology looks like. Video 3. Describe the technologies that make up the Historical Data Digital Toolkit HDDT. Show you how I run exercises to Show you how I run exercises to address my project needs using the HDDT. Stop at so that we can discuss. My project: Subject: My own research, in collaboration with others, has revealed extensive social connectivity between roughly Quakers, and their involvement within a community of roughly which the Quakers helped to set up and staff, who formed the four organisations in Britain active between and which I call the 'Centres for the Emergence of Archival research paper example of Anthropology in Britain' CEDA.
Question 1: What can be revealed if a historian uses data science to study a large historical community over a long period of time by bringing together and integrating metadata from catalogues, indexes, and genealogical data into a topology? Methodology: I have designed, built and I am now using a suite of open-source and reproducible relational database technologies and digital analytic tools to visualise and scrutinise an entire community of some activists over 40 yearspicking out the Quakers amongst them so that the community can be explored at both group and individual levels.
I model the 'connected' relationships between the individual members of the CEDA through time, including kinship, education, occupations, locations and organisations using topological technology, archival research paper example. Question 2: What is the extent of Quaker involvement in the CEDA, over a year time span and was Quaker kinship as socially cohesive as say education or occupation was amongst the wider community?
Archival Research Tips
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This entirely banal archival work (scanning delicate sheets of paper; cataloging manuscripts edited by hand and smeared with ink spots or coffee stains; the various phantom drafts of Przyboś’s work; stylistic notes or spontaneous ideas quickly jotted down on the back of a business card or postcard) prompts the not-at-all banal question of the current scope and past potential for archiving experience in all its Find new research papers in: Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Health Sciences; Ecology; Earth Sciences; Cognitive Science; Mathematics; Computer Science (PDF) Archival Research Methods
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